Monday, October 20, 2008

Imperium 13 - Conclusion

With the war happily ended, I scrap our ancient Talon 2.0s in favor of a new Nest 5.0 colony design to reclaim the Sakkra worlds I glassed recently, and after a Darlok colony ship retreats from our Kestrels and Talons at Drakka, Darquan complains that Yreet Kree is way more powerful than him. He's going to have to get used to it, so I spend some time discussing her policies with him, and helping him to look forward to the end of galactic war and Sakkra treachery, and the rule of the strong, wise, benevolent heir to the galaxy. He seems convinced, but after my experience with Sauron and the usurper's agents, I'm not taking any chances; my agents continue to work in Darlok space, and even do some good work, bringing us Improved Industrial Tech 6 in 2449, just a year before the election mandated by the ancient Kree dynasty. And so Kestrel prepares at last to fulfill the requirements they have left us and take command of Orion and the Guardian.

2450: Our symbolic victory over our nearest rivals is complete... Sssla, Dolz, and Romulas become our final colonies. Then the galactic council is held, and I am opposed by Sauron as usual. For some reason, he has fewer votes this time though - less than half as many in fact, though there are more total votes on the table than ever before! After the "pacificst" has cast 6 votes for himself, Krungo casts his 4 for me, INT-986 abstains with his irrelevant 1, and Zygot and Darquan give me 3 apiece. That leaves 29 votes for me to cast on my own behalf.

The Alkari I represent have thoroughly dominated the galaxy, having stopped just short of conquering the galaxy when it was clear there would be no need to do so. I accept the Council's ruling, but will not rule the galaxy. As I tell the gathered leaders, and all the people of the galaxy, there is another of my people to whom I must defer, the true ruler of the Alkari, and far more suited to galactic governance than am I. So I step aside and look to my dear foster-child, my Kestrel. She stands forward, the true heir, Yreet Kree, and she accepts the mantle of power. The Guardian of Orion awakes and with the throne world it guards, answers her will like a puppy, yielding the forgotten secrets of the ancient Alkari.

Yet even in her triumph, Yreet Kree turns to me, and says, "You have been my spokesbird for more than a century, Royal Battle Officer Yref Treek. You have done well, and while I rule, I hope you shall still speak for me."

So I arise once more and speak again to the assembled peoples of the six sentient species.

So the glorious new era begins, under the rule of Yreet Kree; may it last another millenium, at least!

Thank the heavens and their winds: For once, the droid isn't bearing bad news!


Post-Game Notes