Monday, November 17, 2008

Imperium 14 - The Last Word

Aquilae falls.

The Darlok homeworld follows, supplying knowledge of their Fusion Beam technology.

Mu Delphi falls.

So does the galaxy.

After Yalara abstains with a single vote and everyone else - a total of seven votes - goes against me, I calmly and deliberately cast my forty-six. I vote that this war end, and that I become all-powerful emperor, finally able to implement my peaceful archaeological and historical preservation policies. Is it my imagination, or do the other would-be emperors look relieved?

In the year 2500, in the name of the Bulrathi, and especially Arrrt and Arrrchie, I rule the galaxy at last, uniting all its peoples and freeing them from the tyranny of their psychotic political leaders. And now, at last, with stability established permanently in my galaxy ... I can hibernate intentionally!


Post-Game Notes