Monday, May 18, 2009

Imperium 19 - Peace of the Mountains

279?: The first of the monsters prophesied by the final oracle is approaching, a space amoeba way off in the east. It will arrive right on schedule, a few years after the 2800 election. It also doesn't impress me. Plus, that oracle said it would wipe out Paranar, but didn't get the chance before it was blasted out of existence by seven thousand, eight hundred something particle beams. (There were three times that many aboard the fighters, plus some missiles for extra giggles, but the fire from first bank was plenty.) I'm starting to think this oracle business is pretty weak in the face of advanced technology. Well, I'm fulfilling the prophecy either way. It's high time these warring idiots (the Psilons just declared on us again last year or something) settled down to the mountains' peace.

2799: Well, everyone's still at war with us, but at least the two with flimsy imitation-rock scales or carapaces are talking to me. I give a few technological gifts to each of them as a taste of what they'll gain under my new republic, and they both agree to peace. So I give them more gifts as rewards. A little cheesy? Maybe, but it makes them happy.

There's no point in their pretending to fight us anyway. Our fleet, scattered around the empire, and no longer needed, thanks to our immense numbers of missile bases, could still wipe out their assault ships by itself, though it presently consists only of our long-outdated dreadnoughts, a cluster of colony ships in destroyer hulls that were waiting around in case other races bombed each other's worlds and opened up something for me to claim, and the Particle 8s I threw together for kicks and to help eliminate Oracle 20.

After all that, the election next year will end in an inevitability.

2800: It's official.

With nearly 90% of the vote in Silicoid hands, I win a 2800 conquest victory.

I guess to technicaly be greeting a new millenium, we should have waited until the election of 3000. It would only be another 200 years. Have I not said that I am the mountain stone?

I can wait.


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