Friday, September 28, 2012

Alkari Challenge - Aftermath

At last we rule the galaxy in peace. Though we had to exterminate every single bloody-minded cyberpsychotic Meklar in order to do it, we have united the galaxy.

Of course, our starfleet still has a little bit of business to accomplish. The Amoebic lifeform wasn't moving on Meklon after all. It was moving from Meklar space toward - of course; I should have known it - Toranor. The first and only colony the Meklar managed to destroy during my reign is also the target of this "extra-galactic lifeform." At the speeds it's moving - it looks like about warp 1 - in order to arrive from another galaxy, it would have had to depart sometime around the beginning of the universe. I offered to bet it was actually a top-secret Meklar bioengineering project, but I couldn't find anybody who'd bet against me.

Anyway, there's that sorted. A few hundred Blazes can kill anything before it even knows where they are. Any other "extra-galactic lifeforms" I need to kill now, GNN?

That's what I thought.

...mine, and all of the Alkaris'! Well, the "universe" is ours if you believe that gibberish about amoebas from other galaxies, at least. I wonder if the GNN droid was just misinformed (and a fool) or if - machine-being that it is - it had Meklar sympathies.


Okay, fine. I think I can tell where that thing is broadcasting from. It looks like I still have one more use for my star fleet!