Showing posts with label Imperium 24. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperium 24. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2009

Imperium 24 - Conclusion

We have not yet demonstrated our dominance of the galaxy - we won't even hold veto power in this year's elections - but I am the last of the O'Ryans! My right of rule is clear to all, and none now can doubt me. Guanar himself and the Darloks - no doubt his allies - of course will cast their votes for him again, but there is reason to hope that the others, at last....

...have acknowledged their history; have seen reason; have voted for me! I cast my own six votes for myself, and accept my victory! The O'Ryans shall return to their rightful place as rulers of the galaxy! The Humans cheer, the Bulrathi smile, the Psilons sing praises to nose hairs and miniature crepes, and even the Darloks and Sakkra admit defeat, as the Mrrshans roar with pride of victory! We have achieved the hope of the O'Ryans and united the galaxy! Never again shall there be strife, for with my rule shall come the return of Pax O'Ryan, a true and eternal peace! The other one-time emperors look on as I proclaim the new galactic law, and tell the tale of hope and success that they have just completed.

The leaders who voted for me all look nervous. How can this be? Should they not be transported with the beauty of the tale I have just told, of the wonder and the glory of the O'Ryans who gave up their throne for just this moment, when the galaxy would learn of its own to acknowledge their greatness and leadership, their wisdom and their teachings?

Guanar grumbles dubiously, "To hear you say all that nonsense, I'd almost think you believed in it yourself. Pah. You have your victory. Take it cleanly. Don't try and rewrite history."

I bridle, but remember to show myself better in victory than does he in defeat. I must not rise to the bait. "The truth of our history is manifest," I tell him calmly, "As all shall soon perceive." I look out in contentment upon the galaxy.

"Truth!" Guanar's reptillian lips curl in a sneer. "Everyone knows the truth who wasn't taught kitten's-basket bedtime stories instead of history. The Ancients were insect beings - people who looked like that Guardian of theirs. They're waiting for the day when we'll learn peace, aren't they? Everyone knows that. And then we're supposed to go about learning their old technologies peacefully until we're ready to integrate into their society, and then they'll come out from their throneworld of Orion and..."

I sigh, smiling. The true history is sadly changed in their legends. "Not their throneworld. Their people. They are the O'Ryans ... and the last of their line is me!"

He snorts. "You're reading it upside down and backwards, your High and Mighty Masterfulness. No one knows for sure what their race was called other than "the Ancients," but inferences from the best available sources suggest Klaxons or Quack-ins or Click-Offs or something. Kittycats it ain't."

I shake my head. "The more fool you. Do you deny my rule as High Master?"

He shuffles his feet and looks down. "'Course not. I'm not fighting the whole galaxy."

"Very well," I aswer magnanimously. "Then we shall do as all our legends say, and regain the technology of the ancient O'Ryans peacefully. And for my part, I shall rule over you all from my ancestral home, as the Guardian stands aside for me!"

I board my flagship, and with my loyal escorts, set out for the home of my people. As I approach the star, a GNN report scrolls luminous across my viewscreen, speaking of my glory, full of promise, full of...

...wait, returns to O-what, now? Throneworld of the who?

... uh-oh.


And that is how I, Refeline Bashful O'Brian XXIV, former vice-emperor of the Mrrshan people, rose in spite of my own misgivings to be High Master - by default - of the New Republic. I'm afraid I'm no good at speeches - not the way my predecessor was - but I'll do my best to run things from here on Fierias. Luckily, I think I've got some idea of how to do it. While writing those endless streams of powerful, stirring speeches, O'Ryan always left the administration of our empire to me.

Scoring: Oh, I did great this time! Sure, I lucked into it a little, but talk about an early victory! ... Wait, I didn't put victory year into the scoring this time? Surely this was an oversight! Surely it had nothing to do with avoiding a massive scoring bonus for a lucky early win like the one I eschewed in my last game! Or ... wait....

Result: Diplomatic Victory, 2375 (+10)
6-Planet Benchmark: 2354 (+2)
Grand Total: 12

To see how everyone else did, check out the other reports and final results at Realms Beyond!


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Imperium 24 - Reclaiming the Throne

All the forces of the galaxy are uniting to proclaim the rightful rule of the O'Ryans, of my triumphant return at the head of the Mrrshan people! Forty-seven years since First Departure, my scientists have brought complete plans for both terraforming and engine technologies, even as the results of our pilot projects in all other fields of scientific study were coming in. A Deep Space Scanner will someday let us set our gaze far beyond our little network of stars, even as we seek ways to improve our industrial assembly technology, to strengthen the shields that protect us, to settle the volcanic worlds of the galaxy, and to enhance our engines even more - now that the Light barrier has been broken, it is believed that sub-photonic interface engines could permit travel as fast as warp 3! Nor shall we be defenseless, for our weapons technicians are already planning a new rocket code-named the Hyper-V.

All this in the year that Nitzer is added to my empire, the newest and most daring Mrrshan colony! Just three parsecs from the Human star of Toranor, the desert world of Nitzer II where we established our northmost base will receive all the support we can provide immediately. Already, a large portion of our Mark fleet soars through the desert skies, having already denied a Human Scout control of the system two years before our colony's arrival, and transports are now being sent to get the colony started as rapidly as possible, even as I work to ensure the planet's safety, and remind the galaxy of my fitness for rule, by diplomatic means.

With only two stars to his name when we met him seven years ago, Strader the Pacifist must surely have seen the strength of my claim, and he at once agreed to the exchange of trade goods worth 100 BC per year between his Human empire and the Mrrshans who serve me. His people naturally benefit from this agreement far more than my own, but we can afford to offer this kind of charity to cement our position as the leaders of the galaxy. Already, another colony ship - completed the same year as our meeting with humanity, and arriving five years later - has claimed our fifth star system, and swift, new Pride 2.0 colony ships have been produced as well, the first three years ago - four years after human contact - another this very year, and more to follow almost as quickly.

Signs of the Mrrshan ascension are everywhere around us. Our new Iranha colony is the sixth world in our empire, more than any other race has yet claimed, and our fleets soar across the stars undaunted, seeking yet more worlds for the Mrrshan imperium! We are but four years into our second half-century of the new space age; in just four more, we will claim the jungle world of Antares, with more colony vessels on their way. Nothing will slow the expansion of the great Mrrshan Imperium!

Six decades into the new era of interstellar exploration, we are prepared to face any challenge. We have recovered even from the massive ecological disaster that struck Iranha three years ago, when a power core exploded during construction of the world's very first factory. Our strength is sure even there, in spite of the incredible chain reaction that left the entire planet a radiated shadow of itself, its rolling steppes forever blasted by the volatile elements that - defying all our calculations of probability - composed an overwhelming proportion of the planet's mantle and core. Though we dare send no one to that world any longer, lest the effects of radiation destroy their health and well-being, we at last have cleaned up all the waste associated with the disaster, and all those already present at the colony not only survive but have shown the necessary resolve to resume the work - this time with far more stringent safety measures in place - of constructing the world's full complement of factories. Moreover, in just three more years, another Pride will arrive at an arid world in the Obaca system, empty of minerals but in an ideal position to establish a fuel base for the south-central galaxy.

As planned, Obaca has brought us contact with the Psilon people, wise in the ways of research ... and in the ways of nothing else in the galaxy. Their emperor Dynalon rules over a two-planet empire even as the humans continue to expand across the northeast, and unlike Strader - who speaks of mutual cooperation and benefits - Dynalon and his people, when not talking shop, speak instead of "The Land of Ice Fiddles and Dental Lint," where they expect to pass upon their deaths, in a psychedelic paradise of contradictions best left undescribed. Their concept of martyrdom, for themselves and especially others - where self-destruction in the cause of knowledge or some ritual thing they call "floobji" leads to "a sideways place in the Land," with "a lollipop and free tissues" - clearly leaves them unfit to rule the galaxy, as even a people unaware of the right of the O'Ryans can see. We nevertheless will establish trade with them before too long, though only to the tune of about 25 BC, more as a gesture of magnanimity and inclusiveness than anything else, though also to discourage them from going to war with us so long as we can have a meaningful influence on their policies - which is to say, during their occasional bouts of sanity. In the meantime, we must prove that we can beat the Psilons even at their own game, by developing new and valuable technologies. We'll form another colony at Primodius in the east, just eight years from today, while we seek the means of reaching out to all the peoples of the galaxy, and uniting them all beneath our banner: The banner of the O'Ryans returned! Let us begin.

The time has come. Our prototype Deep Space Scanners open the way to research robotic controls, only the latest of our recent technological breakthroughs, as this more than all the others demonstrates our love of knowledge and peace. Three quarters of a century into the new era of the stars, my right of rule is so manifest that no further proof is needed. In the years since we met the Psilons, we have progressed from Hyper-V rockets toward research into fusion bombs; from one improvement to early plans for a second in our industrial technology; and three years ago, from improved deflector shields to theoretical means of miniaturizing them for our troops' use in the field. That very year, we held our first galactic election, of which the second is now beginning: Our Human friends and the distant Bulrathi abstained from the vote - as did the Psilons, for reasons understood to no one, least of all them - while Guanar received just six votes from his people and the shady Darloks together, against the five the Mrrshans cast for me. In the short span since then, we prepared to turn newfound knowledge of how to colonize inferno worlds toward the possibility of taming radiated environments like Iranha's, and learned that the voices in Dynalon's head had gotten into a heated argument which he took out on the Sakkra and Darloks, presumably dragging his Bulrathi allies into the resulting wars. With this year's breakthrough arriving just in time to further demonstrate our fitness for rule, the time has come to bring a lasting peace - our lasting peace - to the galaxy.


Next: Conclusion

Imperium 24 - Never Mind Maneuvers

The stars open before me like the plains of a wide savannah when the grass parts on a hill. They call to me like the siren song of a lioness on the plain. We must go to them, take hold of them, that the heritage of the galaxy may be restored through me. The people of Fierias look up to me with shining eyes, gleaming with the starshine, proclaiming my name and my destiny: Rrrref Bosasimba O'Ryan XXIV, last descendant of the O'Ryan clan, rightful rulers of the galaxy. My gaze firm upon the stars of night, I fill my lungs, and stretch my chest, and a wind picks up around me as if in answer to my breath, setting loose my flowing mane. My lips part, my paws spread, unsheathing their hidden claws. I roar like my ancestors, the great O'Ryans, rulers of the galaxy. I roar, and my people roar with me, and the great Colony Ship just completed ignites its gigantic engines, its Scout escorts reaching skyward beside it like the wings of some vast, unattainable bird of prey. Its engines' throats are joined to those of our people, and the whole of the night is filled with sound as the stars themselves seem to join in our triumphant roar.

More than thirteen centuries ago, the people of the galaxy were cast out among the stars. The O'Ryan clan that had ruled for nearly a millenium over all the races of the galaxy discovered treachery among its subjects, a lust for rebellion that could only hope to succeed because O'Ryan technological power had for so long been made available to the lesser peoples of the galaxy. What had before been supplied freely was therefore withheld. The people in rebellion were stripped of the tools of war and power whose secrets they little understood, knowing only their use in work and battle, and were dispersed to the far corners of the galaxy. Even the O'Ryans themselves left their homeworld, leaving a deadly Guardian alone to prevent the secrets of the stars from falling into the wrong hands. In the wake of the would-be rebellion, the O'Ryans had come to believe that only a people who developed technology for themselves would be able to make proper and peaceful use of that technology, and lest the same weakness should appear in their own race as in others', the O'Ryans did not favor even the Mrrshans, but went with them to Fierias to oversee but not to assist their own development of our ancient technology. The time of learning was long indeed, but now, at last, our moment has come. The Mrrshans of Fierias have learned to reach the stars once more, always under the rule and guidance of the true heirs to all: The O'Ryan clan, of whom I am the last alive.

Three years have passed since the Mrrshan people took to the stars once more, and at last we have built our first interstellar colony! Blazing like gold in the evening sky, Vulcan's gentle rays shine upon the fertile, arid slopes of a world almost as vast as Fierias itself, and it is here that we have built our first extra-Fierial city. Mrrshans are boarding transports to travel there already, and more will depart next year, all following in the wake of our half-dozen new Watch 1.0 scout ships, six of which departed over the course of the past two years to examine our portion of the galaxy. Some might say that sending unarmed ships into space is folly, since they can't frighten off even the most helpless alien fleet, but my Mrrshans are wiser: Knowledge is power, and these Watches will expand the state of our knowledge rapidly.

Two years after the founding of Vulcan, we have lost a valiant Watch pilot already - but not in vain! The presence of the Guardian at our former homeworld, a mere four parsecs from Fierias, is further proof, in case any were needed, of our heritage in the galaxy! The Guardian does not discriminate among races any more than did the O'Ryans of old, and so our Watch was destroyed, but not before its report reached us, forever marking our neighboring star, for those who had forgotten, as the homeworld of the O'Ryans. And in the meantime, another Watch has discovered a vast world in the green belt of the Phantos star system, already supporting thick vegetation of unimaginable varieties, the air thick with the hum of insects, with mists and rainfall, with bird cries, and from time to time, a small animal's screech. This planet must be ours, near as it is to Vulcan, and so a fighter goes into production immediately: The Mark 1.0 will do unto the system as its name implies, as no mere Watch could, to show all other space-faring peoples that the Phantos system is ours. Moreover, the time is swift approaching when at last, once more, we can investigate the field of hyperspace propulsion so long forgotten by the peoples of the galaxy. Unless next year's Watch reports reveal something extraordinary, we shall proceed if possible to develop containment systems for hyperspacial deuterium storage, the further to extend our starships' effective range.

It would seem, just eight years after our return to space, we are not alone among the space-faring peoples of the galaxy. Of course, if there is one race that I would have expected to make the ascension to the stars, it would have been the Psilons whose Scout our Watch just met at Firma. They were always inclined toward research, though never toward such nobility of purpose, might at arms, or wisdom of rule as the O'Ryans of old - it is for this reason that my ancestors led the galaxy for a millenium's peace while theirs huddled in their labs conducting experiments on each other and on O'Ryan innovations without fully understanding either. Perhaps now, through the hard work of building up toward space-faring technology, they will have overcome their past follies and be ready to join in earnest in the leadership of the galaxy. For now, as a sign of friendship, we retreat, and permit them to scout the Firma system. A ship as small as their Scout could not hold a battle scanner, and is surely unarmed as well, but it is better to retreat in honor than to gain by bluff and bluster what is not ours by right. If we try in little battles to claim more than we can support, how can we expect others to agree to our rightful claims in the future - least of all our rightful claim to the galaxy?

Our Watches will soon discover all the planets still in range, and the swift-growing population of fertile Vulcan will begin immigration back to Fierias next year to prevent overpopulation on our first colony. If all goes well, we'll know enough to make an informed decision on planetology research, and so begin investment in that field in 2315.

A quarter century into the new age of space travel, we have met the Scout ship of yet another species: The Humans live far to the galactic north, at Sol (northwest of my cursor on the display screen above) and the red star to its southeast - the latter being their nearest colony to us, as demonstrated by a close look at the map and the direction of their Scout's flight. The Scout in question, as it retreats from our Mark in the Phantos system, would likely be headed for the red star southwest of my cursor if it were one that the Humans controlled, but apart from that, the full extent of their empire remains to be seen. Naturally, we did not cede the scouting report at Phantos, as there was no occasion for bluffing: Our Mark 1.0 Laser Fighter was prepared to fight for control of the star system if necessary. In the meantime, our planetologists have proven their worth, discovering means to begin research on any of the three simplest technologies once developed by the O'Ryan biologists, geologists, and biosystem analysts. Research into Improved Eco Restoration is progressing rapidly, and it is good to know that at least we will not wholly lack for controlled environmental or terraforming technologies.

At last, thirty-five years after setting out from Fierias, we have finished mapping out our corner of the galaxy. Every star within eight parsecs of Fierias has now been surveyed - except of course for our ancient homeworld, still protected by the Guardian - thanks to our eight-year-old deuterium fuel cells. Most are habitable already, though we will face stiff competition for those in the northeast from the fleets of Humanity, and in the west from those of Psilonity. Hopefully, nuclear engines will help with our claims there once development is complete. More hostile worlds point the way toward the heart of the galaxy, but we will someday be able to colonize all of these, since our scientists' brilliant efforts on Improved Eco Restoration, completed seven years ago, revealed our capability of controlling even the most lifeless of planetary environments, as well as the infamous death spores, and our own true way forward: Improved terraforming techniques that should someday render any world capable of supporting twenty million citizens beyond its natural capacity. Next year will see our first colony ship since Vulcan's finally completed, with work on a second already well along its way, so that it will likely complete by four years from today, a year before the first will build our Phantos colony. That second colony ship, meanwhile, will be headed for the far northeast, to establish our forward position in the Human theater, and demonstrate our position of dominance in the galaxy. It will be a long journey, with every chance of failure, especially before our Marks can reach the system, but it will be critical to our plans for the galaxy.


Next: Reclaiming the Throne